Follow these Crypto MEME accounts on twitter

Theo Goodman
2 min readJan 22, 2018


There are a few key twitter accounts that create, curate or just troll with the best, most up to date crypto memes. If you want to know what is really going on in the crypto world then you need to understand these memes and they will tell you a lot more than any crypto media paid article shill self virtue signal articles made 5000 years after the last price movement. These are not in a particular order and I am going to miss some. If you think someone should be added then just leave a comment below.


JimBTC makes some of the best crypto gifs out there. Documenting the true feel of high leverage crypto trading, massive liquidations, massive ganiz and getting #Ashdraked. Some of the gifs that he made have been “repurposed” There have been people that just take a gif he made, slap their logo on top and act like they made it. There is a large liquidation in these people´s future.


BTCArtgallery has been collecting the latest bitcoin memes for years. If you want to check out the largest collection of crypto related artwork, photos and memes then check out his site. You can find historical moments in crypto history such as the “bearwhale”, old excerpts from crypto mailing lists or the first blockchain trading cards. If it has to do with art and crypto, it is on this site.


If you follow loomdart´s posts on twitter then you can get a look into the shitcoin trading world. Trolling is on next levels of meaning that outsiders might not totaly understand. From this underworld (who made the “what happens in bitcoin underworld, stays in bitcoin underworld meme, loomdart?)a lot of memes develop. This is where bagholders get rekt and “loomdart pumps it”. The twins in this video became popular to use for “testimonial” videos. You can still find them on fiverr.

Who are your favorite crypto meme artists, trolls and fine art drop outs? Let me know in the comments below if I should add anyone.

